We are the USVI Pros

Fostering collaboration, growth, and excellence among Virgin Islands professionals.

André Gonçalves

Software Engineer

Cecilia Peña

Medical Doctor

Matt Fields

Co-Founder @ BrandChamp

Christopher Richardson

Robotics Instructor

Vernon Araujo

Director Of Philanthropy

Zack Zook

Artist and Businessperson

Mark Dickson


Stephen Prosser

CTO & CPO / Advisor / Mentor of Amazing People

Eric Grims

Producer, Director, Showcaller

Tricia Homer

Coach, Trainer & Consultant


Marketing Director

Jonathan Gula

COO | U.S. & Asia Experience | Caribbean Fanatic | RE Investor

Nicholas Bowen

Mark Skandier

Trust Attorney | Financial Advisor

Mark Braddell

Shi Sharai

Glen Duff - (Duffy)

Founder of ZUP